Miranda Vanderbilt: Vicky and Miranda share their cheerfulness and love for all things cute.When this happens, Vicky doesn't get that upset, if only because she's quite confident about herself and has enough perception to understand Liam's shitty behavior is basically just his way of telegraphing his insecurities. They can enjoy their time together, but there's always the risk that Liam will start acting like a bit of a jerk the moment he realizes he might not be the smartest person in the room. So even if he's always grumpy, she always tries to cheer him up anyway. Vicky, on the other hand, doesn't quite understand Liam's propensity to complain about everything. Liam de Lioncourt: Liam values Vicky's intelligence, but he's not a fan of her endless cheerfulness, since he's more of a hater himself.
He gets super angry about this, but deep down he respects her undeniable strength, while she finds his foolish stubbornness kind of cute. She doesn't get mean about it, but she's not afraid to say 'I told you so' every now and then. She is okay with this and has no issue letting him try, both because she's understanding and because she has a bit of fun seeing him fail.
Damien LaVey: Damien cannot stand that Vicky is almost always right, and he loves trying to prove her wrong, even if he tends to fail at it. All in all, they're both addicted to learning, and so they have the best of times dorking together. Vicky loves electrical and mechanical engineering, and you know what is an interdisciplinary branch of both? Robotics! Calculester also loves robotics, as it allows him to have a better understanding of himself. Calculester Hewlett-Packard: Vicky and Calculester compliment each other quite nicely! They both have super strong moral compasses, and they value spending time with someone at Spooky High who understands why murder is NOT OK. Also, they compliment each other quite well, Vicky being a good leader without being bossy and Oz being more quiet and compliant. They could greatly enjoy a board game night or solving crimes together. They share a bunch of interests and love good adventures without being too wild or too mean. Oz: These two have a great friendship, both of them being a bit dorky. Monster Abilities: As a Frankenstein's monster, Vicky has the following abilities:. Vicky also loves all things cute, electrical and mechanical engineering, and robotics. She is also described as "addicted to learning". She is also clumsy, patient, and energetic (enough so to be nearly the top student in class while attending many extracurriculars and helping her friends). She is very smart and frequently described as a natural leader. She knows that she doesn’t need to be mean or competitive to be strong. But her kindness should not be mistaken for weakness: she’s a huge overachiever with tons of willpower.
Vicky Schmidt is upbeat and usually a nice, happy, lovable girl.
She wears a blue flower-like ribbon around her waist, and a pink corsage on her wrist. Her prom outfit is a black and white dress, with the skirt part being white with black polka dots. She wears dark gray pants, and blueish-gray sneakers. Vicky wears a blue V-neck sweater over a white collared shirt.